Aah, summer…

After 16 years in education I have heard just about all of the veiled and blatant comments about teachers having their “summers off,” having an easy schedule, etc. In the early years I argued these comments, but as I have matured (laughter from those who know me), I now just roll my eyes. I am proud to be a teacher. I love being a teacher. And yet I am probably equally excited about the arrival of the last day of school in June as I am about the arrival of my new flock of inquiring minds on the first day of school. So sitting on my flight bound for Washington D.C. for a week of professional development I can say, without a doubt, that summer has a huge amount to do with my attitude and love for my profession.

From the minute I walk into my pristine and empty classroom in August until the minute I turn in my key in late June, there is rarely a moment to breathe, contemplate and reflect. We all try to do this during the school year, but those moments are often shared with/usurped by other realities and responsibilities of being a teacher. These realities don’t exist in the summer so we can actually have time to reflect and dream, time to consider the possibilities of the new year, time to read, time to create and time to learn. These are essential to classroom innovation and, more importantly, to the emotional well-being of a teacher. 

So here I sit, eager to get to DC and begin my teacher fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I will spend the week with other educators that like me, relish the summer “vacation” as a time to grow as educators. When I return I am looking forward to leading professional development for another group of Massachusetts educators eager to learn. I will attend #BLC17 in Boston, learning alongside inspired and dedicated educators from around the world. I will continue to reflect and dream, filling my toolbox with ideas for the new year. And then I will pack up and enjoy a few weeks recharging with my family as we all prepare for the start of the 2017-2018 school year. I will walk back into school eager for the year to begin because my summer of learning and dreaming put me in the mindset we all want our childrens’ teachers to have. Thank you summer, you are a passionate teacher’s best friend.